Water filters are essential tools for improving the taste and quality of drinking water in the home, removing contaminants that contribute to allergies or asthma symptoms.
Filters can also help eliminate unpleasant tastes and odors from water sources, like plastic pitchers to whole-house systems.
1. They remove contaminants
Filtered water is one of the best ways to ensure you’re drinking safe, pure water that won’t harm your health through bacteria, viruses or pollutants. By filtering your drinking water regularly you’ll reduce risk for diseases caused by harmful bacteria, viruses or pollutants in the environment.
Water filters offer more convenience than bottled water, without having to refill and dispose of plastic containers. They come in various forms including jugs, tap-mounted filters and whole house systems.
Filters are available to reduce or remove a range of contaminants in water supplies, including microorganisms, chemicals and minerals. Though different filters work differently and some may not be effective against all contaminants present, you should read labels carefully and verify claims with independent sources before making an informed decision about which one best meets your needs. Effective water filtration systems can protect pipes, appliances, skin and hair; saving money by cutting back on harsh cleaning products used around your home and saving more energy in energy costs by doing so.
2. They improve the taste of water
When it comes to drinking water, everyone looks for ways to enhance its taste. After all, drinking something with an unpleasant flavor could potentially have negative health repercussions.
Water filters contain microscopic holes which filter out sediments and pollutants from your drinking water, leaving it fresh, healthy, and delicious. Not only is a filter inexpensive to own and maintain; they’re also simple and straightforward to install at home.
Filters remove various impurities, so when selecting one to filter water at home it is important to choose one which targets those you care most about. Most products will include information on which contaminants they reduce on their packaging or advertising if in doubt; otherwise seek impartial reviews from experts or independent certifying bodies for advice. Pitchers, carafes and faucet-mounted filters are popular home options for filtering water; with pitchers capable of dispensing cups or gallons at a time and carafes larger enough for placement on countertops or inside refrigerators whereas plumbing modifications might require large volumes filtered off from being consumed by plumbing modifications required by plumb-in water filters which do not take up cabinet space or require plumbing modifications!
3. They are expensive
Water filtration can be costly to operate and maintain despite its many environmental and health benefits, with costs depending on factors like its type, local water quality and installation/maintenance fees.
Heavily polluted city water can require multiple filtration systems to remove multiple contaminants such as sediment, rust, chlorine chloramines and trihalomethanes, increasing system costs while necessitating more frequent chemical top-ups which only add to annual costs.
Filtration systems installed throughout a whole home typically require plumbing permits to alter water connections, adding installation costs. Furthermore, should additional drywall patching services be needed after filter installation, this could further escalate project expenses.
Geography also affects costs; materials and labor tend to cost more in urban settings; water composition varies from place to place and testing can range anywhere between $15 for DIY kits to $200 per test conducted by professionals.
4. They can produce unhealthy levels of chlorine residue
Chlorine in water disinfects against germs and prevents them from infecting food and beverages, however it can also damage appliances, cause skin dryness and produce harmful trihalomethanes that could contaminate our drinking supply.
Municipal water companies use chloramine instead of chlorine, making their services safer for you and your family. Its chemical stability outshines that of chlorine and does not produce disinfection byproducts like THMs that could potentially irritate skin conditions or respiratory illnesses.
However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set safe levels of chlorine for drinking water consumption. Too much exposure can cause eye/nose irritation, stomach discomfort, anemia and other health issues; for this reason it’s wise to drink only water that has been purified from pathogens and chemicals by filters with deionizers combined with carbon blocks that reduce chlorine contamination; such devices will safeguard your entire family against potential threats in their drinking water sources.
An environmental journalist, specializing in water safety and public health. With a degree in Environmental Science, she writes on water quality issues and sustainable solutions for safe drinking water.